Monday, July 28, 2008
Okay here is a random post but I am wondering if anyone can answer my question. I have noticed that when I leave a comment on someone elses blog, it says cuddles,kisses & amp;tantrums. WHAT THE HECK IS THE amp; ? I did some searching on other peoples blog comments and I am at least happy to say that it isn't only mine doing that. Bonnie's is as well and someone I didn't know. Can anyone tell me why it is doing that all of a sudden?! I have gone into fix it but it WON"T FIX!!! AHH! I hate when I don't understand computers! HELP!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Our Big Vacation for 2008 SEATTLE
WARNING!! Once again this will be a boring post for anyone not a part of our immediate family! Please keep in mind that I am documenting our vacation as a journal/scrapbook for my kids and future posterity! If you feel so inclined, feel free to read the following post, but I take zero responsibility for death by boredom or spontaneous napping! I will have to have many posts in order to fit everything in, so if you feel like leaving me a comment please leave it at the very end! My post is so long that you will have to hit the older posts box at the end of the screen to go to the next page! (Does that make sense mom?)
Off we go!
Day 1 "Seattle"

Day 2 "Meet the Larsens"
Friday we met up with Travis' old friend Matt and his family. They are a great couple with two cute kids. I now have a new friend -Cherie- who is super cool, so now we have another reason to visit Washington more often. I think that I need to convince them to come to Florida for a vacation. Hopefully I will have more luck with that than Matt had trying to convince me to leave Orlando and move to Seattle! :) We went to the museum of flight and saw old planes from WW1 and WW2. I am sure that there was a lot of other interesting things to look at but I was too busy trying to keep an eye on my kids. Three decrepit, unpleasant old men told me to control my kids more times than I care to remember. We also went into an old air force one jet and the concorde. I would like to go back again without my kids and see all the things that I missed. We were also able to watch the F22 raptors take off and head to an air show at Fort Lewis. That was a cool sight. I have never been that interested in the whole military plane thing, but this was spectacular. It has made me rethink attending an air show! Thanks Larsen's for spending the day with us!
Day 3 "The lake"
Day 4 SNOW
This picture is Brayden hitting Kaitlynn with a snow ball. He too now has a love of snow!
Day 5
saying goodbye
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Happy 30th Birthday Pam!

1. My love of pickles is all because of you! When I was diagnosed as a diabetic, I remember your mom buying us lots of pickles to eat after school because they wouldn't effect my blood sugar!
2. I will always have a love of English because I met you in Mrs. Haas' English class in the 7th grade. Remember how we would always stop in the bathroom to apply some ghastly pink lipstick before class?!
3. I remember when you came with my family to California on vacation. I loved how horrified you were that my mom took us into consignment shops! We also stopped for Slurpee's at AM PM all along the way!
4. Remember how we used to crank call Jeremy Bettridge and we hacked into his answering machine? Remember when he used *69 to call back and your mom answered?
5. Why were we always so gassy? Remember our farting contests!?
6. Do you remember 4 wheeling in your Bronco, and then washing it before your parents got home from work so no one would know what we had done?
7. I remember how we snuck out of your garage one night and went to the Nugget for french fries. When we got back your parents were awake and we had to sneak back in.
8. I remember when you danced with Vince S. at a school dance in the 8th grade. He gave you a red balloon when it was all over and you hyperventilated all the way home! :)
9. I loved going to all your family parties, especially the ones at Uncle Hank's ? house in Washoe Valley. I loved that I was treated like a member of your family!
10. I remember how bittersweet high school graduation was. We had a blast at our party, but I was so sad for it to end!
Well these memories are just a drop in the bucket! I could go on and on. I just want you to know how much I treasure our friendship and how much you mean to me. I hope that you are doing well and that you have a fantastic birthday! Happy 3oth!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
This past week Travis found the Leap Frog DVDs at the library. Brayden received the Letter Factory for his birthday and the next day he knew every letter in the alphabet and the correct sounds they make. This wouldn't seem like a big deal except I had been working with him and letters for a month and nothing was sticking. Monday morning I let him watch the Word Factory and that night he was reading. He is SO proud of himself, and has developed a love of learning and reading that is making my heart rejoice! Finally a child that is taking after his mommy!
I just wanted to share these DVDs with all that have little ones learning how to read. I am not kidding, these are miracle workers! Now if only Leap Frog would make DVDs that explained "how to put the toilet paper roll on the holder," or "the proper use of the laundry basket," or better still, "why we flush the toilet," then I would buy some serious stock in that company. As it stands I am now a huge advocate for this learning system and I encourage all to give it a try!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Happy 4th of July!
Later that night we hung out with the Johnson's and the Douberley's for a BBQ. Good food and great friends is a nice way to pass the evening. Saturday Travis had to work, So I was home with the kids until about 2 o'clock. I had planned to take the kids to the pool during the morning hours but discovered that I had left all our swim gear in the trunk of Travis' car- so no pool. Sometimes miracles come in strange ways. Instead of the big pool I decided to fill up the little pool and let the kids run around the yard. As soon as I turned off the water, my phone rang. It was dad calling to tell me his scooter had broken down in the middle of the hood and that he might need me to come get him. Turns out that mom was able get home on her scooter and come back for him in the truck. Well the truck broke down as well. Dad called me again and I threw the kids in the van and went and picked them up. I guess that it is a very good thing that I left all our gear in Travis' car so that I would be home to help the parents. Later that evening we had a BBQ with the family and watched Bryce light off all his fireworks. You'll notice Kaity and I in jackets and pants. No, it wasn't chilly out. We were trying to keep the bugs from biting us and carrying us away. We had sweat running down our backs and into unmentionable areas, but we are proud to say not a single bite! So all in all not really an event filled weekend but it was spent with family and friends and that is what really counts.
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