Monday, June 30, 2008
Liki Tiki Village
Thursday, June 26, 2008
afternoon rains
Friday, June 20, 2008
Fun in the Sun
Yesterday, Travis had the day off and the kids were so excited to show them their new tricks. Kaity can now swim under water, and Brayden is willing to stand under the mushroom that dumps water onto his head. I was also anxious for him to see the people that I have been trying unsuccessfully to describe to him every night over dinner. Imagine my disappointment when there was not a single Hispanic woman fully clothed submerged in the deep end of the pool. That is a daily occurrence- where where they? There wasn't a single kid swimming in just their underpants, nor were there any gangster boys swimming fully dressed in black. I know Travis didn't believe my stories when looking around all he saw were middle aged moms with babies on their laps. Then FINALLY, the extra, extra large woman with the itty bitty tiny weenie bikini showed up in all her glory. I think that Travis needs to call in sick to work tomorrow and give our pool another chance. The kids loved having him there- all the kids in the pool- and he provided me with the daily entertainment that I usually get from all the weirdos that were MIA. Besides, I know the freaks will be back and I must prove that they exist!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
My dad

I know that it is father's day- the one day we set aside for the whole year to remember how wonderful our dads are, but I am reminded in small ways on a regular basis how cool my dad is. I'm one lucky girl! I know everyone always says "I have the best dad," but I know that just can't be the case since MY dad is the best dad! Since I was just a wee little thing, I have been "daddy's girl" and that hasn't changed as I have grown into a "big girl." One day when I had exasperated my mom, she looked at me and said,"OH BROTHER, You are just like your father! Too true! Sometimes I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing! :) In honor of Fathers day, and because I couldn't find a gift this year that had my dads name written all over it, I decided to write down just a few memorable moments with my dad.
1. You spent hours throwing me softballs so the kids at school would quit making fun of me when we played baseball in P.E. (Athletic I am NOT)
2. Us kids would all pile onto the top bunk bed every night so you could read us our bed time story! I always thought that the bed would collapse!
3. On my 10th birthday you took me to work with you at Caesars Tahoe. I had a VIP pass to the pool and spa, I got to eat whatever I wanted at cafe Roma, and you let me get my first double scoop of ice cream!
4. You taught me how to drink a whole can of diet coke in 3 minutes flat by age 11.
5. You let me practice giving shots on your arm before I gave them to myself.-Now that's love!
6. You taught me how to play a mean game of black jack by the fourth grade!
7. You gave me a good appreciation of Chinese food! (Ooohhh, I can't believe I ate the whole thing! He! He!)
8. You taught me how to break a bully's nose-then run like hell!
9.You showed Aub and I that watermelon seeds really do stick to little brothers!
10. You saved me at diabetic camp when you showed up one morning with a smuggled in bag of food!
11. You taught me to appreciate only the finest hotels- even if I didn't appreciate it as a kid-I mean really, what kid wants to stay in the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. IT DOESN'T HAVE A POOL!
12. You taught me how to drive a year before I was old enough to get a learners permit. (See you are cool!) my friends were all sooo envious!
13. You never yelled at me when I drove into the brick wall at the cemetery. Even after mom yelled at you! You even insisted I get back behind the wheel the next weekend.
14. You always told me that I was smart.
15. You let us dig a hole in the backyard one summer that got you fined by the utility company. You built us a zip line in the backyard that was the envy of the neighborhood!
16. You do a mean impersonation of an Idaho fish and game officer.-just ask Travis!
17. You took me to army days in Mills park one Sunday instead of church. I shot blanks out of a machine gun and ate about a million hot dogs!
18. You taught me that Costco has $1.50 polish sausages! MY FAVORITE!
19. I've only ever seen you cry, when they told me I was diabetic and the day I got married!
20. You are the most devoted grandpa I have ever seen! The best at sleepovers, scooter rides and sugary treats!
I could write all night, but I think that I made my point! I HAVE THE COOLEST DAD EVER! Well, and Aubrey and Bryce do too. :)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
What do you do in the summertime...
Oh what do you do in the summertime when the air is as thick as pea soup, and the sun is about a thousand degrees? You play in the water of course! We live in Florida, a state that is surrounded by water, it rains EVERY afternoon and yet we are told that we are in a water shortage. I can't quite figure that one out. Anyway, since our house did not sell, we are once again facing a summer without a real swimming pool. We told the kids last summer "to hang in there, once the house sells we will buy a new house with a huge community pool." I was hoping that they wouldn't remember or care, but I of course was being delusional. Every day since school let out I have heard them whining about a pool. Friday I turned on the sprinklers in the front yard, put the kids in their suits and said go at it! They just kinda stared at me and half heartedly jumped through the sprinkles of water a few times. I could tell by the disappointed looks on their faces, and the muttering under their breaths that this was NOT what they had in mind. I was determined to ignore them and was doing a pretty good job of it when the water police drove down the street. He slowed down, shook his finger at me and motioned for me to turn off the water. I politely smiled, waved and of course ignored him. The next day I received a "friendly" reminder notice in the mail that stated "we are to only water two days a week and after 4pm." WHAT!? I decided that I would show them! I cleaned up the kids and off to Walmart we went on an important mission! I found the biggest blowup pool they made and bought it. Once at home we went right to work setting up our new pride and joy! Stupid water man- thought that he could take away all our fun. How wrong he was. We now have a swimming pool that takes 2 hours to fill up each and every morning. This afternoon when wanna be cop drove by, I had both kids wave at him. He just shook his head and kept on going. I really do care about the earth's resources, and I don't normally waste water- but don't mess with me when it comes to keeping my sanity. Please, for the childrens' sake!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Baptism Day
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Last day of 2nd grade
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Rome wasn't built in a day...
...and neither was our clubhouse. However, I am quite pleased to announce that it only took 2 weekends with only 18 trips to Lowe's, one extra case of diet Pepsi and no serious injuries. I don't count cuts, scrapes and bruises as calamities and we all still have our fingers attached to our hands. I'd say that we were pretty successful. I only wish that I had come up with this brilliant idea last month when it wasn't 94 degrees outside with humidity at 90%. Oh well. Live and learn they always say. Next weekend I am going to hopefully con Travis into helping me lay some sod down around this monstrosity so that my kids won't come inside every night looking like little black ragamuffins. Tonight it took a good 30 minutes of scrubbing my children with a wash rag and a bar of soap to get their skin clean. I gave up after my fingers turned into prunes and my ears were bleeding from listening to Brayden whining "I wanna go back outsiiiiiide." I came to the conclusion that the remaining dirt was embedded so far into his skin only a blow torch would take it off- so I called it "goodn'uff." They are so excited about their "new house" that they are already making plans for a mailbox and a welcome sign. I guess we aren't as finished as I thought we were- it's off to Michael's craft store for me in the morning!
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