I know that it is father's day- the one day we set aside for the whole year to remember how wonderful our dads are, but I am reminded in small ways on a regular basis how cool my dad is. I'm one lucky girl! I know everyone always says "I have the best dad," but I know that just can't be the case since MY dad is the best dad! Since I was just a wee little thing, I have been "daddy's girl" and that hasn't changed as I have grown into a "big girl." One day when I had exasperated my mom, she looked at me and said,"OH BROTHER, You are just like your father! Too true! Sometimes I am not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing! :) In honor of Fathers day, and because I couldn't find a gift this year that had my dads name written all over it, I decided to write down just a few memorable moments with my dad.
1. You spent hours throwing me softballs so the kids at school would quit making fun of me when we played baseball in P.E. (Athletic I am NOT)
2. Us kids would all pile onto the top bunk bed every night so you could read us our bed time story! I always thought that the bed would collapse!
3. On my 10th birthday you took me to work with you at Caesars Tahoe. I had a VIP pass to the pool and spa, I got to eat whatever I wanted at cafe Roma, and you let me get my first double scoop of ice cream!
4. You taught me how to drink a whole can of diet coke in 3 minutes flat by age 11.
5. You let me practice giving shots on your arm before I gave them to myself.-Now that's love!
6. You taught me how to play a mean game of black jack by the fourth grade!
7. You gave me a good appreciation of Chinese food! (Ooohhh, I can't believe I ate the whole thing! He! He!)
8. You taught me how to break a bully's nose-then run like hell!
9.You showed Aub and I that watermelon seeds really do stick to little brothers!
10. You saved me at diabetic camp when you showed up one morning with a smuggled in bag of food!
11. You taught me to appreciate only the finest hotels- even if I didn't appreciate it as a kid-I mean really, what kid wants to stay in the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. IT DOESN'T HAVE A POOL!
12. You taught me how to drive a year before I was old enough to get a learners permit. (See you are cool!) my friends were all sooo envious!
13. You never yelled at me when I drove into the brick wall at the cemetery. Even after mom yelled at you! You even insisted I get back behind the wheel the next weekend.
14. You always told me that I was smart.
15. You let us dig a hole in the backyard one summer that got you fined by the utility company. You built us a zip line in the backyard that was the envy of the neighborhood!
16. You do a mean impersonation of an Idaho fish and game officer.-just ask Travis!
17. You took me to army days in Mills park one Sunday instead of church. I shot blanks out of a machine gun and ate about a million hot dogs!
18. You taught me that Costco has $1.50 polish sausages! MY FAVORITE!
19. I've only ever seen you cry, when they told me I was diabetic and the day I got married!
20. You are the most devoted grandpa I have ever seen! The best at sleepovers, scooter rides and sugary treats!
I could write all night, but I think that I made my point! I HAVE THE COOLEST DAD EVER! Well, and Aubrey and Bryce do too. :)
Okay you stinker! I just did the same thing and then I came on here and saw that you even have old pictures! Lucky girl!
That was so cute! Even better than Aubrey's! (Just kidding, I haven't read Aubrey's Yet). Okay, I'm thinking our dads are quite a bit alike. I could ditto so much on your list.
Gary-I'm really liking your hair on the third picture. You should go back to that look :)
This is Gary speaking, not Diane: I can't believe Ariann put that picture on there. She combed it that way as a joke years ago. This brought back a lot of fond memories. It seems like everything centered on food, no wonder I have a weight issue. Thanks for the blog, it was a great present! Love, dad
I'm pretty sure our Dads are exactly alike! I loved that post. It's fun to read what things were like for you guys since we never really knew you. I think even if we weren't family, I would like you a lot!
My favorite and pretty much only memory of Gary is when my dad took him to the golf course driving range-I think my dad was peeing his pants from laughing too hard at him.
Thank you Bonnie for reminding me about my dads golfing!!! HOW DID I FORGET TO MENTION THAT!!?? :)
Wow, what a dad to let you practice giving him shots, before you gave the to yourself. Now that's awesome. I really enjoyed hearing about him. There are so many similarities between him and dad.
I loved that your Dad would let you bring boxes of vending machine gold over for our Friday night dinners...mmmm Funions and 3 Musketeers make the perfect meal! Yeah, and you were always willing to run downstairs for whatever drinks we might've needed huh? It's a wonder how we were so skinny in high school! Maybe we need to revert to our old diet Ariann!?!
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