Thursday, February 28, 2008

Finally getting around to my tag... well one of them anyway!

10 years ago

Ten years ago I was living at home in Salt lake anxiously awaiting my wedding, wracking up huge phone bills and pining away for my fiance who lived in Seattle. I exercised twice a day and starved myself so that I would fit into my wedding dress. I thought that I was fat after gaining the freshman 15 in college. oh, if I'd only known!

5 things on my to do list

1. sort out the kids toy boxes

2.clean out the fridge

3.make the menu for the next two weeks

4. grocery shop for menu listed above

5. do SOMETHING with my hair!

favorite snacks

I don't really snack, but if I do these are my weaknesses dr. pepper

2. dillpickles- the really tiny ones about the size of your pinky. I can eat it in one bite and satisfy my salt craving!


4. string cheese- I eat one for lunch everyday!

5 things that I would do if I were a billionaire

1.Buy a big house with my own pool and a 4 car garage to store all our new toys in. Oh yeah, did I mention that it would have a DISHWASHER?! ;)

2. Buy everyone I love Disney tickets!

3. Rent a house directly on the beach for the whole summer!

4. HIRE A NANNY!- oh, to be able to go to the bathroom without someone crying "MOMMY!" outside the door. sounds like a dream!

5.get a tummy tuck-Yep! a tummy tuck!

3 of my bad habits

I have many bad habits but...

1. I speak my mind-usually without thinking about it first.

2.I LOVE to squeeze the toothpaste in the middle of the tube! It's a good feeling! Sometimes I will go into the bathroom just looking for the tube to squeeze because I know that Travis will have fixed it!

3.I'm lazy. I am willing to pay extra for convienences- now this does not mean I am lazy in the sense that I have to rent a motor scooter at Disney World because I am too darn fat to walk- but I pay for convienences like already cut up carrots, presliced mushrooms, apples etc.

5 places that I have lived

this list could be miles long but I will condense it. Orlando, Phoenix, Moscow, Kalispell, Spokane, Seattle, St.George, Salt lake, CarsonCity

Jobs I have held

Retail-department stores, walpaper stores. Cafeteria, teller, sorted crap people donated to a thrift store, office assistant and currently I am supermommy!

Things that people don't know about me

1.I used to make my own Clorox wipes before they came out with the real thing. MY FAVORITE INVENTION EVER!

2.I'm afraid of sharks being in the deep end of the swimming pool. Even now, I have to walk all the way around the pool before I will get in.

3.I sometimes forget to get all the way dressed. Now you would think after this happened the first time it would never happen again right? WRONG! The first time I got part way to Travis' work to see him for lunch and realized that I forgot to put on my shirt. Yeah, stupid me. The next time we had just moved into an apartment while house hunting here in FL. Well I had a leaky faucet in the bathroom and called the office. They sent up a maintenance man to fix the problem and once again I had forgotten to throw on my shirt. The really terrible part was that I didn't realize it until several hours after he had left. I walked by the mirror and saw my bra over my garment minus the shirt and started screaming! I can hardly imagine what went through that poor maintenance mans head! He had to have wondered what in the world is this crazy lady wearing! I'm told these embarrassing moments create "Character." If so, I must have a lot of character! I have many embarrassing moments.

4.I graduated high school with honors!

Everyone I know has tagged me except mom and Heather. Your turn ladies!


Unknown said...

I remember you frantically calling me about the maintanaince guy! I laughed so hard i almost peed my pants! And for some reason...years later, it still cracks me up!:)

Holly said...

LOL! I truly laughed out loud through the whole post and then to hear this little tid-bit about the no shirt (twice!)--HOLY COW!!! That is so awesome. I have to confess though...I can't tell you how many times I walk out of my house and as a second thought glance down to make sure I really did put on a shirt or pants. I thought it was just a weirdism I had, I didn't know it actually ran in the family!
p.s. Dido for the shark in the pool thing too.

mom said...

Hey, quit telling tales on your mother! You only inherited good stuff from me and don't you forget it!

mom said...

P.S. I got the little ditty that you "tagged" me. Too bad I don't have a blog site! I'm computer illiterate which should make substituting in computers at the high school next week really interesting don't ya think!? Maybe they will need a sub for the sub!

Holly said...

Okay, I just have to post again. it's about 11:30 at night now and I'm getting ready for bed and my mind keeps going back to picturing you standing there in your G's and Bra with the maintenance man at your house and completely unaware of what you had on. Jon and I....okay, okay...and Bonnie and a big kick out it. I think that made me like you even more!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! I can't believe that you didn't even notice till AFTER he was gone!! I can kind of understand how you would feel like you have something on though.
That takes the cake!!!
And to think that I'm always paranoid about my zipper being down, that's nothing!

Cuddles, Kisses & Tantrums said...

I'm glad you like me Holly and I haven't even told you the naked story yet! I don't know if I am willing to share that one!

smiles2u said...

Okay, so it's my turn. I shouldn't have mentioned I didn't know what tagging was the other day. Your stories cracked me up, too!!!

Camie said...

Man I miss you! You made me laugh! :} Ill try to get a blog up so you can see my little ones, I have 4 now! (yeah I know I'm crazy)
Sending love from Layton UT

Camie said...

Man I miss you! You made me laugh with your maintanaince man story, thats a good one. Ill try to get a blog up soon, so you can see my little ones. I have 4 now.( yea I know Im crazy)

Rupper Family said...

Ariann, doesn't it feel weird that we were adults 10 years ago!?! And I remember us getting our tassles, being suprised that we were graduating with honors-us? were they sure??? You see, all of our visits to the library paid off!
I sure miss you friend!