Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hannah mania!!

I'm sitting here crying and laughing my eyes out at the same time. I tried to use my camera but I am out of batteries, so hopefully I can accurately describe the frenzy that Kaitlynn is in. In case you didn't know, Miley Cyrus aka "Hannah Montana" was on Opera today. I think that Kaitlynn has had a heart attack and went into some wierd convulsions! She is shrieking at the top of her lungs trying to sing at the same time and lying on the floor having a fit. It really is a sight that is quite undescribable!! I think that she is possessed! I don't know what to do to make her stop!!! I can't believe that she is this crazy over a pop singer. She knows every word to every song and even the right dance moves. I am feeling very old right now. I look at her and wonder where the time has gone- where is my baby!? I would take her to the Disney store and buy her every princess item ever made if it would turn back the clock and make her my "little" girl again. The part that really scares me is the fact that she is only 7. What am I going to do at 13?!!!!


Unknown said...

I SAW THAT ONE TODAY!!!! The first person I thought of was Kaity!!!!
I can't believe she is such a huge fan - but it seems like all the girls on Oprah were flipping, i guess your not alone!:)
We missed you guys tonight at our pre-thanksgiving dinner! I gave camie & Mandy your blog!

mom said...

Let's don't worry about 13 yet! Let's get through 7,8,9,10,11,12 first! Actually, let's just worry about getting through 2nd grade for starters! What was Brayden doing while Kaity was wigging out?