Thursday, September 25, 2008


I haven't blogged in awhile and Travis was getting on my case about it last night. I tried to explain that I didn't have anything "good" to blog about but what I really meant was that I have only negative things to blog about. I remember my sister posting a few months ago that she was tired of reading blogs that are all about how wonderful every ones lives are going and that she felt like something was wrong with her because her entire life wasn't roses. I decided today to post in her honor because while my life is great and full of blessings, I also struggle with many trials.

With the economy in trouble, I worry constantly about the security of Travis' job. I try to think positively but daily the worries are invading my brain. I thought that it was funny on Saturday night when I went to tuck the kids into bed I found them sleeping in their fort they constructed out of cardboard boxes. I was glad that they woke up thinking that it was great fun to sleep in a box because I have had nightmares where we are living in cardboard boxes under the new freeway up the road. At least if worst comes to worst, I'll remind the children how they used to earn the privilege of sleeping in boxes. :)
This morning I had my routine check up with my endocrinologist and just assumed that everything would be great. To my great disappointment I learned that I have only lost 19 lbs in the past 8 months courtesy of a diet consisting mainly of veggies and chicken and an hour of exercise a day. Too make matters worse, my labs were exactly the same as they were before I made this drastic lifestyle change. After crying in the doctors office for 45min and then 35 more minutes in the parking lot, I drove myself to Subway and ate a sandwich on WHITE bread- oh yeah, and a cookie (oh it was heaven!). When you haven't eaten bread in 8 months it tastes better than chocolate! I am thinking about donating my brand new tennis shoes to the Goodwill and perhaps I will go buy a new wardrobe that consists of spandex. Everyone knows that spandex is a one size fit all type of fabric, so I figure I will always have something to wear as I sit on my couch watching TV and eating toast, and crackers, and pretzels - oh the possibilities are endless!
So this is my negative post. Hopefully I won't have many more of these in the future but I figure this at least makes a very real journal entry.


cindee said...

You are so cute! I loved your post. I love when people are REAL. Life is not a bed of roses I will atest to that one. Life is more like a rollar coaster, with ups and downs. I'm with you on the whole weight issue. I've tried everything short of starving myself and nothing.
The fat farm is looking better and better everyday!!! The important thing is that we pick ourselves up and keep going no matter how hard it is. Life's greatest test is how fast we can get back up and keep going!
Hang in there, tomorrow is a new day.

Nana's heart said...

Hey, I know you're disappointed and I get that but I think 19 pounds is a big deal!! Also, you have forgotten that those 19 pounds have meant a lot of inches. Remember your "fat" clothes that you have thrown out? Maybe you should have kept them. This would be a good time to put some of them back on and see how roomy they are. Chin up! You look great! Don't give up now. Maybe your binge today is just what your metabolizm needed. Get back on the band wagon tomorrow! Love ya!

smiles2u said...

That is 19 lbs. you have lost!!! You look great and if you ever want to remember how far you have come just come try my clothes on anytime! We missed you at the park today!

smiles2u said...

This is Weston...Great post! The new freeway--good choice. Much better than say the 408 or I-4. (And if not, remember there's an extra bedroom 2 streets over).We heard on the news the other day of this program where you can be homeless for a night and sleep under I-4 just for the experience...I was just reading about the WaMU acquisition by JP Chase. I've been worrying about that too. It sounds like they won't be making huge changes, and besides, Travis is an excellent manager whom they couldn't afford to loose.

Ila said...

Been wondering how you were doing. Sorry your appt. didn't go like you wanted...I know that feeling all too well! Hope things start looking up!

Holly said...

ooo, those endocrinologists. They always give lousy news. I'm way overdue for my next endo appt. Do you deal with thryoid issues too, Ariann? If so, let's blame family genetics.
I think 19-lbs is awesome. Don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat and so you've probably lost more than 19-lbs of fat. I think you look awesome. You know-I didn't even know you were trying to lose weight, but in your recent pictures you've posted I thought you looked very glow-y and healthy and really pretty, and also a very thin face. So keep it up!!

Amber said...

Congratulations on the weight loss!! Remember it's not only about the # on the scale. There are wonderful things going on that you cannot always set a "time-line" too or even measure (yet)besides all those inches. As a trainer and one who's struggled with weight, let me say that sometimes it's hard, but keep it up. I've been off sugar for 2 weeks now and dang I forgot what a foodie I am... But everyone in my house is still alive so that's good news right?! I wanted to kill everyone last time I did this "cleanse" we'll call it. Enjoy your cookies and allow yourself what you want, but then get your butt back to health!! There's my pep talk which I have to give to my clients and myself weekly :-) KEEP GOING and remember that you are passing on your healthy eating habits to your children, it's a big deal.

Robin @ Bird On A Cake said...

Thank you for being so REAL! Nobody has a perfect life...some people just pretend really well! :0) I think it is amazing that you stuck to a diet for 8 months - with NO BREAD! - I would never last so long.

Manda said...

Seriously, you look great, don't beat yourself up. That's the same amount of weight I lost after I had Robyn and I was THRILLED, (now I'm slipping again)
I loved the post, it was very funny and I can relate!