Sunday, August 3, 2008

sea creatures

I haven't blogged in awhile, so hopefully this won't turn into a long ramble that is a waste of stored space on my computer! We have been home from Seattle for 10 days and it has taken me that long to recover from our trip. I think that I must have caught a virus of some kind and it knocked me for a loop. I have hardly been able to function. Just getting up in the morning has been tough and actually accomplishing something- forget about it! I managed to drive the kids to the free movie- then promptly slept through the whole thing- semi clean my house so Braydens new kindergarten teacher wouldn't be too horrified when she came over to meet us, but didn't have the energy to bathe Brayden, and had the strength to go to the Walmart to get groceries but didn't have the stamina to actually shop through the whole store so I came home empty handed! Thankfully Friday I had the energy to shower and my body quit aching so I convinced Travis to take me to the movies. After some drama at the theater we ended up seeing Mama Mia! YAY! I loved this movie! I am sooo gonna own it as soon as it comes out on DVD! I mean it is full of Abba music- NEED I SAY MORE!? I can't wait to watch it all by myself with the blinds closed and the volume on high. I'm gonna have a serious dance party! Wendy I wish you could be here to join me! Anyway, since I am finally feeling better, Travis decided that we needed to spend the weekend at Ponce Inlet playing at the beach. It was wonderful! We discovered many creatures scurrying around us as we floated in the water. For the first time we found a starfish! We also had the usual crabs and a jelly fish that stung me in the leg. Even with the fire burning on my leg, we still had an amazing time. I did have a lot of time to sit and think and ponder some burning questions that have been on my mind. I haven't been able to figure out where women of gigantic proportions get bikini bathing suits, why when the bottoms are teeny tiny they don't show any butt crack ( Is my butt extra strange? I swear that I would be showing some serious crack if I wore some of those suits!) and where do they get their high self esteem from? Even though I had all afternoon to ponder these questions, I still haven't come up with any answers. If any of you have the answers, feel free to enlighten me!

Sorry Aubrey about the long post!:)


Holly said...

What a gorgeous beach! The sand looks so soft. I'm glad you're feeling better! Yuck ;(

Unknown said...

You got stung? Ouch!
Was the star fish alive or dried out? You are getting mighty brave with your ocean life, I remember the days when you'd sit on the beach and cry about sharks!

Rupper Family said...

Those women don't have full length mirrors in their homes. Also, none of them seem to live in S. California, they have the tan skinny women there-doesn't really make you want to go to the beach either way right!?!

Cuddles, Kisses & Tantrums said...

Hey Aub, everything was alive. I have never seen a starfish that wasn't in an aquarium before. It was pretty cool. Kaity made us release them back into the water far away from where we were swimming because she is not as brave as the rest of us. She pretty much played on the beach the whole time!

Camie said...

WoW that looks really cool I would love to go back to the beach, your lucky to live so close,and to find all that great stuff!

Nana's heart said...

Hey, this is a test. Nana's Heart Blog is not posting comments so I'm checking to see if you are having problems.

Dubb Days said...

what a fun time! Haven't seen you in a bit-we need to do something!