Monday, October 6, 2008

park play

This week the weather has been beautiful. I love the days where the humidity is low, the sun is shining and a light breeze blows. It is perfect park weather. The other evening we hit the 7-11 for some slurpees and took the kids to a new park not to far from our house. We had a blast just hanging out together. Oh I love my little monsters!


Nana's heart said...

What an amazing slide! You'll have to show us where it is. I can't wait for the humidity to be gone for good. It's back today!

Holly said...

So any job news? I keep thinking about you!

Cuddles, Kisses & Tantrums said...

no job news yet. Travis has a BIG meeting with some big wigs tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed. They said they should know which banks are closing first by Dec. 1. Yikes!

Robin @ Bird On A Cake said...

Love your photos! You obviously had a good time! :0)

Unknown said...

that first pic is too funny!:)
Looks like fun! Enjoy the low humidity and I will enjoy the snow!

Camie said...

Looks like a fun park, I love this time of year, its not too hot!

Holly said...

Definitely let us know how this goes. I know this WAMU stuff is BIG. I know you're probably so scared and frustrated. So many good people are getting screwed over the mistakes and dishonesty of others. You know, sometimes answering that "What If" question can really help. "What if Travis loses his job?" If you answer that, sometimes it takes away the fear and anxiety and just make you feel a whole lot better! Anyway, you're in my prayers. For real. I'm not just saying that. You really are. :)

Maxwell Family said...

You have such a sweet love for your children, it really comes through in your blog and what you write about them! I can tell you are a wonderful MOM.

Rupper Family said...

Ariann, I have a picture from high school of you on one of those horses on a giant spring at the park, and you have the biggest smile on your face. It's in my scriptures and everytime the book falls open to that picture it reminds me of my sweet carefree friend and all the times we spent laughing until we cried. I can see that you're still that fun, happy girl!

Dubb Days said...

That is a fun park! Too bad it rained. Hopefully this next week! We need to have another girls night!