Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 1 "Seattle"

Thursday morning we woke up bright and EARLY- the kids were still on Florida time- and went to Woodland park zoo with their Wheeler cousins and Grammy Dina. The brisk morning air was so crisp and refreshing- for about 10 minutes anyway- and then I realized that it wasn't cool outside but FREEZING cold. We saw a few animals- a giraffe from many angles, an elephant taking a pooh, and some birds landing on sticks, but mainly empty habitats at the zoo. I think that it was too cold for them to venture out of their cages.
After lunch we headed into downtown Seattle to ride on the Duck. This was my favorite part of the whole day! I was plenty warm because the sun came out while we were eating lunch and I managed to borrow a second jacket from Diana. The duck took us all over Seattle then drove over to Lake Union and turned into a boat. It floated us past Gas works park, several ships from the show "Deadliest Catch," and the floating homes and houseboats. We went right past the house where they filmed Sleepless in Seattle. This was my favorite part of the tour. It brought back memories of Travis and I sneaking down onto private property when we were first married and getting caught by his boss! Those were some good times!

After we finished up with the Duck, we headed onto the monorail and down to Pike place market. I love pike place and the fresh bouquets of flowers you can buy there for $5.oo. The kids weren't too impressed- I think that they were tired of walking- but they perked up once we found ourselves at Red Robin for dinner.

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