Thursday, July 10, 2008


I have been saying since the day Kaitlynn was born that I gave birth to my sister's baby! Then 3 years later, I gave birth to a mini Travis. This past week I have finally realized that Brayden is a child after my own heart! Kaity has been struggling with her writing skills and hates reading books. When my child shouts "I HATE READING," I feel as though someone is putting a dagger through my heart! Early on I discovered a love of literature and it has only deepened as I have grown older. When I was in the second grade, I remember my mom going over to my school to get me special permission to check out big kid books from the library. When I would get in trouble, her favorite form of punishment was not no TV or even a grounding from friends. Nope, she took away my books. That was the ultimate blow to a book worm!

This past week Travis found the Leap Frog DVDs at the library. Brayden received the Letter Factory for his birthday and the next day he knew every letter in the alphabet and the correct sounds they make. This wouldn't seem like a big deal except I had been working with him and letters for a month and nothing was sticking. Monday morning I let him watch the Word Factory and that night he was reading. He is SO proud of himself, and has developed a love of learning and reading that is making my heart rejoice! Finally a child that is taking after his mommy!

I just wanted to share these DVDs with all that have little ones learning how to read. I am not kidding, these are miracle workers! Now if only Leap Frog would make DVDs that explained "how to put the toilet paper roll on the holder," or "the proper use of the laundry basket," or better still, "why we flush the toilet," then I would buy some serious stock in that company. As it stands I am now a huge advocate for this learning system and I encourage all to give it a try!


Unknown said...

I know, I LOVE leapfrog. Same with Isaac. I checked those videos out a year or so ago and within one day he knew all his letters and their sounds. You should buy a set just for your van's dvd player. that way it's drilled in his head anytime you drive anywhere:) I have a stack of sight words for Isaac that I keep in the car and anytime we're at a stoplight, I'll pass one back to him and let him figure it out. He's getting pretty good at it and it's perfect because he strapped in and can't run away! It's a great trick and working well for us.

Unknown said...

Yeah-that was Holly, not Jon.

Cuddles, Kisses & Tantrums said...

the sight words for in the car is a great idea! I am going to do that today! Thanks Holly!

Anonymous said...

I was going to say before I realized jonathan was Holly, that Holly LOVES leapfrog. Lily is finally getting old enough that I can introduce her. Although we bought her a leap frog alphabet thing for the fridge and so she already knows the alphabet-give or take a few letters. Leap frog is amazing.

Kerrie said...

I love leap frog too. However, it was funny, because whenever I would show a letter to Jacie she would tell me the sound, not the letter. So we kind of did things backwords. But I would recommend them for everyone. In fact, that's what I got Lily for her birthday coming up.

Nana's heart said...

Great minds work together. That's what I got Emily for her birthday since Brayden loved the one we gave him for his! A young mom in our ward turned me onto them. Grandma's always pay attention to these things!

Dubb Days said...

Yah!! I am so glad I let your mom know about the video and that you are passing on the info. In my opinion it is never to young to install the love of reading! Go Brayden!

Unknown said...

I have been very strong and haven't opened Emily's package yet!
I am saving it for her birthday party! It sonds like all my kids might enjoy it!